Following the changing advice from the Government, Hale Barns Cricket Club has been working on new measures to partially open the ground for some limited outdoor cricket activity.
We are pleased to announce that we are ready to open up on a trial basis. Below is all the information you need to know about getting involved – apologies in advance about the length of the update, but there is quite a bit to cover.
The clubhouse will remain closed for the time-being, including access to toilets. Hand santisier will be available.
Please only use the club facilities in line with the below guidelines.
The new guidance
We firstly need everyone who wants to use the club to read the new guidelines from the ECB.
All the points in here are important, but please take particular note of the fact that social distancing needs to be maintained and members will need to use their own equipment only.
Information on how we’re opening up
From Monday 25th May, we are opening up one net at the club that can only be used when pre-booked with the club. We are offering coached and uncoached sessions. The bowling machine can only be used by a qualified coach. New signs are in place at the club to make sure everyone understands the new rules.
Uncoached sessions – Two members can book a slot to use the net at their own leisure within the allocated time. The individuals using the net must follow social distancing measures and must not be suffering from any symptoms of Covid-19. There will always be a club representative as a ‘supervisor’ for these uncoached sessions to make sure the facilities are used in the right way and only those that have pre-booked are using the facilities. Information on how you book these slots is below.
Coached sessions – We have access to two great cricket coaches in Joe Cooper and Ben Staniforth. Both Joe and Ben are offering a limited number of 1-2-1 coaching slots each week. If a junior member is booking this option, then a parent also needs to be present and will need to follow social distancing guidelines.
Availability and costs
Costs for these sessions fall into different categories:
- If you have kindly continued to pay your annual fees this season, then all of the above is included in what you have paid and there is no additional charge. All members who have been paying/paid annual fees will get priority on booking.
- If you have not been paying annual fees and want to start contributing, then please let our treasurer (John Pope) know and then there will be no additional charge for the above.
- You can also pay as you go. An uncoached slot is £10 and a coached slot is £20. Payments are to be made directly to the club and no cash at present please.
Club bank details: Hale Barns CC; account number: 81773003; sort code: 40-43-10
Availability for initial uncoached slots is below. Slots are 45 minutes in length and start on the hour. You must finish your slot after 45 minutes to allow 15 minutes to leave the ground and for the supervisor to make it safe for the next booking.
- Monday 25th May – 3pm to 7pm (4 slots)
- Tuesday 26th May – 5pm to 8pm (3 slots)
- Thursday 28th May – 5pm to 8pm (3 slots)
- Saturday 30th May– 10am to 1pm (3 slots)
- Monday 1st June – 5pm to 8pm (3 slots)
- Tuesday 2nd June – 5pm to 8pm (3 slots)
- Thursday 4th June – 5pm to 8pm (3 slots)
- Saturday 6th June – 10am to 1pm (3 slots)
This completes the initial trial period and the committee will review on Monday 8th June and announce further slots. If demand is overwhelming, we’ll look to open up more availability.
Booking for coached slots can be made directly with Joe Cooper or Ben Staniforth and will need to happen at a different time to the uncoached sessions.
How to book
To book a slot please contact first team captain Tommy Smith:
Email at Tommy_smith_1993@hotmail.co.uk
Call on 07468583867
We’re trying our best to get some cricket back for members and as this is a trial, we’re keen to hear feedback. If anyone would like to provide feedback, then please email Club Chairman Matt Tasker at matt.tasker87@gmail.com.
As the government advice continues to change, we’ll look at what else we can make available. A big thank you to all members who have continued to support the club, it’s been hugely appreciated.