The Hale Barns CC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the Brooks Drive Pavilion on Friday 30th November at 7.30pm prompt.
Although the End of Season Awards were presented on 15th September, the Meeting will commence with reports on the 2018 Season from the Cricket Chair and Captains.
There will also be a brief report on the successful season enjoyed by our Juniors.
If you wish to receive copies of the 2017 Minutes, previously circulated, please contact me by e-mail or phone.
The Bar will open at 7.00pm however it will be closed for the duration of the formal part of the AGM.
1. Apologies for absence.
2. To receive the Minutes of the AGM held on 25th November 2017 (to be taken as read).
3. Annual Review of Club Life presented by the Chairman.
4. To receive the Hon. Treasurer`s Financial Report for year ending 30th September 2018.
5. To approve the Accounts and the Independent Examiner’s Report, copies of which will be available at the meeting or in advance upon request to the Hon. Treasurer.
6. To elect the Officers & Committee members in accordance with Rule 8 of the Club Rules.
7. To appoint an Independent Examiner in accordance with Rule 11 of the Club Rules.
8. Statement by the Cricket Chairman-elect on the ambitions for the 2019 Season.
9. Any other relevant business.
Officers and Committee eligible for election for 2018-19
(1) President (1st year of 3 year term) (2) Vice Presidents
(3) Chairman (4) Hon. Secretary
(5) Hon. Treasurer (6) Hon. Membership Secretary
(7) Sunday Barnstormers Fixture Secretary (8) Ground Use Co-ordinator
(9)&(10) Child Welfare Officers (two) (11) Website Co-ordinator
Cricket Committee
(12) Cricket Committee Chairman
(13) 1st XI Captain (14) 1st XI Vice-captain
(15) 2nd XI Captain (16) 2nd XI Vice-captain
(17) 3rd XI Captain (18) 3rd XI Vice-captain
(19) Sunday Barnstormers Captain (20) Sunday Barnstormers XI Vice-captain
(21) Cheshire County Cricket League Rep (22) Cheshire County Cricket League Rep
(23) Trafford Cricket Development Forum Rep
Sub-committee chairs & vice-chairs
(24) Junior Committee Co-ordinator (25) Junior Committee vice-chair
(26) Ground Committee Chair (27) Ground Committee vice-chair
(28) Pavilion Committee Chair (29) Pavilion Committee vice-chair
(30) Bar Committee Chair (31) Bar Committee vice-chair
(32) Bar Committee Treasurer
(33) Social Committee Chair (34) Social committee vice-chair
Additional Committee Members
(35) (36) & (37) Maximum of 3 unless agreement to co-opt.
Nominations may be made by members proposing and seconding nominees with their consent on the Nominations Sheet up to 7 days before the AGM. Vacant positions may be nominated during the AGM itself, except for the office of President or Vice President for whom nominations must be made in writing to the Hon. Secretary not less than 28 days prior to the AGM.
1st XI Player of the Year – Joe Cooper & Ben Hicks
2nd XI Player of the Year – Tom Saddington
3rd XI Player of the Year – Ahmed Choudhry
Young Player of the Year – Dan Martin
The Geoff Barnes Trophy for the outstanding cricketing moment – Joe Fretwell Walsh
The Jim Luckett Trophy (for the Clubman of the Year) – To be announced
The Arthur Johnson Memorial Trophy (for the Family of the Year) – The Price-Settle/Glazebrook Family